Try our marketing RISK-FREE for 30 days. If you aren't happy, we'll refund you 100% 🤯


Our best clients have been with us for close to a decade because we deliver month after month.

As a bonus (if you act quickly), you can try our program for 30 days with ZERO risk! If at the end of the 30 days, you're not happy for ANY reason, we will issue a 100% refund.

No Fine Print. No Loopholes. No Crazy Action-Based Requirements.

If you're not happy, we will refund.


I know that's probably what you're asking yourself... The answer is simple.

⚡ We're VERY selective of who we work with-- We only accept 3 new clients a month...

⚡ Our average client is with us for YEARS, not months

Our best clients have been with us for a decade

Therefore, we only take on clients that we KNOW we can work with. Which is why we have a strict application process.

Our Average Client That Meets Our Requirements Sees AT LEAST a 5:1 Return on Their Investment Month Over Month.

Our Best Clients Do 20:1 Or MORE!


You must have a team willing to call the leads

You must be doing at least $500,000/yr in revenue

Your marketing budget must be at least $5,000/mo

Your average patient value for the condition you're looking to market is at least $2,500

You're willing to put in the work and follow the processes that we've proven to work

You can't be an a**hole. We only work with people we LIKE working with

⚠️ This program is not for lazy clinics that expect to put in no effort and get amazing results ⚠️

If you meet these requirements, click below to apply and schedule a call!

Skeptical? Makes perfect sense.

I would be as well!

That Said, Listen To What Our Long Term Clients Have To Say

Dr. Berman with Sarastoa Spine & Joint

Dr. Berman has been our client since 2016...and came in SKEPTICAL!

But, within 60 days, he moved all of his spend from print, tv, and online...to US!

What We've Accomplished Since Working Together:

⚡ Drove thousands of patients in his door

⚡ Opened a second location

⚡ Earns multi-million dollars every year

Dr. Moorman with Care Medical Center

Dr. Moorman has been our client since 2017 and was ready to spend a lot of money for the right marketing company.

In the beginning, he tested us with one of his offices to see how we'd hold up to his expectations.

What We've Accomplished Since Working Together:

Expanded his marketing to all SIX of his locations

⚡ Attracted thousands of knee and back pain patients

Helped make Care Medical Center the go-to practice in South Georgia

Dr. White with New Life Laser of Northern Virginia

Dr. White has been our client since 2018, and originally was looking for a company who could deliver consistent results.

He had a robust budget, but struggled to find a company that could ACTUALLY deliver.

What We've Accomplished Since Working Together:

⚡ Generated QUALIFIED patients for a multitude of conditions

Expanded into Spanish speaking ads

⚡ Spent over $300,000 in marketing with long-term results

What kind of doctors do you work with? What conditions?

Our bread and butter is functional and integrative medical practices.

We see the best results from high ticket treatment options involving knee pain, back pain, neuropathy, erectile dysfunction, thyroid, body contouring, Type II Diabetes, and so much more!

Why do you only accept 3 new doctors a month?

In Short: Our CEO works directly with our clients and doesn’t have the time to meet with 20 new clients a month.

That's why we prefer to find clinics we actually LIKE working with and who are looking to grow.

- We would rather serve less clients who have bigger budgets.

Rather than just another marketing company, we think of ourselves as an extension of your team. We wouldn’t be able to give our clients the attention they need if we had thousands of clients pulling us in every direction.

I’ve tried other marketing companies in the past and didn’t get results. How do I know this will work?

Over the span of 8+ years, we've spent well over $5mm on advertising for functional and integrative medical practices.

We KNOW what doctors will succeed and what niches we'd crush in ads.

- The fact is, if we aren't certain that we can get you results, then we won't even attempt it.

For us, it's pointless to waste our time when we've seen how the cards will lie.

How much is your service? What is your pricing?

We customize and tailor specifically for your situation, so there is no one size fits all.

However, I can say that our monthly pricing starts at $5,000 and can increase based on your specific needs.

This can be dependent on:

- How many conditions you want to advertise for

- How many locations you have

- The population size around your location(s)

***All of these conditions have an impact on how much we recommend spending.

But typically, we recommend starting with one condition, one location, and $5,000. After we've proven that our system works, we can scale.

Do you provide Customer Support or Help?

We know how frustrating it can be when marketing companies blow you off or disregard your concerns.

Unlike other companies, we are working closely with you every step of the process to ensure you get all of the support you need!

Do you offer any guarantees?

Yes! Our policy is simple.

If you aren't happy after 30 days of marketing with us, then we will refund you 100%.

No hidden loopholes or fees. Just a risk-free start to our long-term partnership!

We can discuss on our call what condition(s) would work best for our partnership.

Check Out More Testimonials From Our Clients...

"Newspaper, direct mail, other marketing companies, no one else comes close!"

"Over the span of the last year, we've seen a 4:1 Return on Investment!"

"Be Top Local is able to target the people we really want to get in!"

"We've been able to reach out to a larger demo and increase the volume of our patients!"

"We went from 4-5 high ticket patients per week to 4-5 per day."

"We started right before COVID and we still easily got a 6:1 ROI."

"We increased our close rate to almost 100%"

"They were great explaining how to actually get leads in!"

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